Friday, June 4, 2010

Getting it to Run...

A couple of weeks ago, my Father-In-Law, Ed was coming through town, and stopped by to say "hi", and to see if he could make the Chevy run.

Given that he's a truck driver, a body repair whiz, and has more mechanical ability in his little finger than I do in my entire body, I followed his lead. After a little trouble shooting, we added a new condenser and a set of points, poured a little gas in the carbeurator, and she fired right off!

Our son, David was in "tall cotton"- he's very excited about the pickup.

At any rate, we let it set while we were gone to California, but yesterday, I went and got a piece of gas line (to replace the rotted one that was there) a battery, and a new fuel filter. I also had to replace a couple of missing hood hinge bolts.

I had time to get the hinge bolts, gas line and filter in yesterday, and figured we'd put the battery in and see what happens today. That's done, but I'm sitting here waiting for Debbie and David to get back- I promised David I wouldn't try to start it without him.

In the meantime, I found the cast numbers on the head and the block today, and can confirm for sure that it is (or was before overhaul), a 235. I don't know if it's the one that came in the pickup or not, but it's definitely the right kind of engine!

It's here that I will throw out this bit of information. Our Dads (mine and Debbie's) are at least as excited about this thing as we are. The reason I'm waiting on Debbie and David is that Ed's in town again- he comes to Garden a lot since we brought this thing home...

My Dad called once today, and then I called him about 4 times- just trying to chase down the engine size, and he had advice about a fuel additive to put in when I put the gas in.

They've both got ideas about what to do to it as I put it back together- they are diametrically opposed to each other's- but they've got ideas. My Dad is looking for parts trucks. Debbie's Dad calls two or three times a week to talk about the truck. In short- we're getting a lot of Dad time from this thing, and that's a good thing!

I'm secretly hoping Ed will come by when he's done with whatever he's unloading- I wouldn't mind having him here when we start it!

Update- 5pm

No go. Looks like it needs a fuel pump. No big surprise, but I was hopeful...

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